Jeffrey Dicks
County, Tennessee
Date of Crime: February 15, 1978
Jeffrey Stewart Dicks and another man, Donald Wayne Strouth,
were convicted of the capital felony murder of James Keegan. Keegan
was killed during the robbery of a Kingsport clothing store.
At Strouth's trial, the state presented hearsay evidence that Strouth had
committed the murder. Different people related that Strouth had said to them
that he hit the victim in the head with a rock, that he had to hurt the
victim, and that he had to slit his throat. The state vouchsafed this
evidence as trustworthy as it was inculpatory of Strouth. However, at
Dicks's trial the same evidence was deemed untrustworthy and prohibited, as
it was exculpatory of Dicks. One would think the reverse situation might
apply, as the evidence might be trustworthy enough to prove reasonable
doubt, but not absolute guilt. Other witnesses offering evidence of
Dick's innocence were also prohibited from testifying. Dicks was prevented
from presenting a full defense as allowed by the U.S. Supreme Court in
Chambers v. Mississippi.
The state alleged that a set of footprints put Dicks at the scene. These
footprints were reportedly seen but not documented in any way. The state
said they took photographs of the footprints, but the camera malfunctioned.
However, the camera did not malfunction when they took photographs of the
victim. The “expert” witness who testified about the footprints admitted
that he was a non-expert and did not know what he was doing.
The prosecutor submitted a pair of bloodstained jeans into evidence,
alleging they were Dicks's pants. He had previously introduced them as
Strouth's at his trial. When his apparent dishonesty was caught, the
prosecutor removed them and stipulated that they did not belong to Dicks.
The state alleged that a coat, which was burned by the Dicks's family,
though not by Dicks, had bloodstains of the victim on it. As with the
footprints, the non-evidence of a bloodstained coat was hardly proof of
anything and could not reliably be used to prove Dicks's guilt. Secondly,
even if Dicks participated in the murder, his coat would not likely be
bloodstained. Other evidence indicated the victim was unconscious and
prostrate, having been hit by a rock, and was not standing up when his
throat was cut, as alleged by the prosecution. Therefore, while the victim's
blood did spurt on bottoms of Strouth's pant legs, it would not likely spurt
on any perpetrator's coat.
Dicks had been tentatively scheduled for execution in Sept. 1998, but he
died in his cell of heart related problems in May 1999. Dicks's mother,
Shirley Dicks, has written a book about the case entitled, They're Going
To Kill My Son. [2/08]
References: Justice:
Denied, JDS,
Website Copy
Posted in:
Victims of the State,
Tennessee Cases, Hearsay